Colour it with Vogue and Karl Lagerfeld!


Life is like a colouring book. You never know, which colours you will finally use. Will the warm colours of luck and love dominate or will the cold ones bring to you depressed mood and a feeling of fear? As in life, so here is up to you, which colours you will choose and what picture you will decide to colour in.
Recently, so called "anti-stress colouring books"  were a big boom and I am not wondering why. It has been found out, that it is a great helper who banishes the anxiety, depression or exhaustion and they will not only calm you down, but also entertain you and  encourage your creative thinking. I love them my whole life. Especially I love that feeling, when I am holding the colourless picture and I am so excited to see its final version.

Život je ako omaľovánka. Nikdy neviete, akými farbami nakoniec bude vymaľovaná. Budú v nej prevládať hrejivé farby šťastia a lásky, alebo vám naopak tie chladnejšie navodia depresívnu náladu a pocit strachu? Tak ako aj v živote- je na vás, aké farbičky si vyberiete a vôbec aký obrázok sa rozhodnete vyfarbiť...
 Nedávno sa stali tzv. antistresové omaľovánky veľkým hitom a ja sa ani nečudujem prečo. Zistilo sa, že je to geniálny pomocník pri zahnaní stavu úzkosti, depresie alebo únavy a že vás nielen upokoja, ale aj zabavia a rozvinú vaše kreatívne myslenie. Ja som milovníčkou omaľovánok po celý môj život. Milujem ten pocit, keď pred sebou vidím bezfarebný obrázok a nemôžem sa dočkať, akú podobu mu nakoniec dám. 

What happens, when you combine fashion with magical world of colours? You will create a magnificient VOGUE Colouring book! This fantastic book is full of iconic pictures of British Vogue from 50's, so I am sure you can perfectly imagine those pages of charm and elegance. A small description is added to every picture and it is only up to you, if you keep it in the original spirit or you will play the fashion designer's role and create something special.
Because I am the real fan, I had to have also the second colouring book named VOGUE Colors A to Z. This book contains 26 archival magazine headlines of American Vogue from 1912 until 1932 and the whole book is just stunning!

 A very important factor is the choice of colour palette. I preffered 48 shades of colour pencils, but such an unbeatable set by Karl Lagerfled named KARLBOX would definitely delighted me a lot. It costs 2 850 USD and was sold out in a second. I am speechless.

I have always wanted to watch Karl in his work. Thanks to this video you have an opportunity to see all of his memories, thoughts, dreams and desires on a paper...

...and I am, lying in my bed with a hot tea, with a scarf around my neck and with tons of antibiotics, going to dream, too :-)

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