Christian Dior - a man, who was very sensitive since his childhood. His memories are filled with fragrance of flowering garden, mother´s love and their common time in the garden. His mother Madeleine is the reason, why he loved flowers. Christian never touched his flowers and he used to talk to them. He admired an art, shapes, lines and colours. It is remarkable that Christian found his love of fashion in his 42 years. Parents wanted him to become a diplomat, but he disagreed and went his own way. How it all began?
Traditional folk clothing in Slovakia
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Haute couture
I am very proud of our "fashion heritage". Traditional clothing - Slovak folk costume hides not only a history, but especially its own story. During my study of the fashion history, I have to mention our - Slovak history. It is amazing, how a man can understand the life and the mentality of his ancestors, thanks to their clothes. Since my childhood I was fascinated by the embroidery of the traditional clothing, which contains certain symbols. Slovakian women used to express via clothes their position, mood, occasion or social status, as we do today.
With this article I want to show you our traditional clothing generally - you can find out, from which parts it is consisted of, which accessories had been used, how Slovak folk costumes looked like for various events; and thanks to the vyKROJenô and Inspirations exhibitions I will show you, how wonderful our history is and in which way it was transformed to the present day!
Bratislava Fashion days 2015 - an exclusive fashion show
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Promo & Events
For one night I became a princess. In my long, powdery evening gown with romantic lace and soft chiffon, on 7.12.2015 I came to enjoy an unique fashion show named Bratislava Fashion days - an exclusive fashion show of evening gowns, which took place in Grand Hotel River Park & Luxury Collection. I fell in love with the Maria Theresa hall, with stunning chandeliers and historical atmosphere. As the name says, except for the luxury hotel´s interior I also had an opportunity to admire the original designs of ballroom dress.
After settling and pleasant speech of Bruno, the whole hall fell into magic (christmas) atmosphere. Lots of the fashion designers and brand names like Zuzana Haková, Zlatica Hujbertová, Jana Pištejová, Lukáš Kimlička, Jana Jurčenko, Róbert Vrzala, Robert Bartolen, Veronika Hložníková, Rozbora Couture, La Rena, Ida Sandor, Marmare Fashion Design, Katie Q, Alizé, Blažena Ostrovská, Otto Berg, Collectivee a Beáta Rajská have shown their creativity and big talent to us.
I will show you those, who have inspired me the most.
Vivienne Westwood - my (punk) Queen
Today´s article is dedicated to one of the biggest celebrities of the fashion industry - Vivienne Westwood. She is a woman, who really got me. Except for her great ideas, sophisticated cuts and an effort to be original, she caught my attention because of her personality. She has got incredibly big heart and she is not greedy, what seems not that common in today´s consumerist world. She sees her talent like an opportunity to learn not only herself but mainly teach us what really defines the fashion. Is it celebrity on the red carpet? Overpriced shopping in the most luxurious boutiques? Self confidence and indifference? Thanks to Vivienne we can be more sensitive and better people. In the following lines I will convince you that Vivienne is not only that " sweet 74 years old grandmother"!
The next black?
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
The clothes. For someone it is a piece of cloth, for another one it is an opportunity to express himself. From time immemorial people like to be different through the clothes, and be shocking and something more than the others. A fashion industry is changing at light speed. And not only that. It is rapidly growing and innovating. Today we have stunning options thanks to the skilled people, great technique and quick time. What would it be for Coco Chanel, if she had seen the love and pride which todays women feel by wearing the trousers? What would Princess Sissi said to the todays modern prototype of the corset? And what would be the reaction of James Dean by looking at our style of wearing his legendary rebelious leather jacket?
Oblečenie. Pre niekoho kus látky, pre iného priestor na vyjadrenie samého seba. Ľudia sú už odpradávna prostredníctvom neho radi odlišný, nadriadení, šokujúci. Módny priemysel ako taký sa mení rýchlosťou svetla. A nielen to. Neskutočne sa rozrastá a inovuje. Vďaka šikovnosti ľudí, skvelej technike a rýchlej dobe dnes máme také možnosti, o akých by sa nám pred pár rokmi ani len nesnívalo. Aký by to mohol byť pocit pre Coco Chanel, keby videla s akou hrdosťou a láskou dnes ženy nosia nohavice? Čo by povedala princezná Sissi na dnešný moderný prototyp korzetu? A ako by sa zatváril taký James Dean pri pohľade na náš stýl nosenia jeho povestnej rebelskej bundy?
Friday, 30 October 2015
Promo & Events
A few days ago all of the fashionlovers
really enjoyed their time. The unique project named FASHION LIVE! 2015 brought
an interesting fashion show to Bratislava, which took 3 days and on which a lot of
fashion designers had presented their work. Everyone had their own style and
was unique, but still all of them had something in common – a love for
fashion. And whereas I also love the
fashion, I must have been a part of this project! Enjoy this article, get inspired by
fashion designers, who had inspired me the most and transfer into the fashion
world, in which the borders do not exist...
Všetci milovníci módy si nedávno prišli na svoje. Jedinečný projekt s názvom FASHION LIVE! 2015 priniesol Bratislave zaujímavú módnu šou, ktorá trvala 3 dni a na ktorej svoju tvorbu prezentovalo neskutočne veľa návrhárov. Každý mal svoj štýl a vynikal, no predsa všetci mali niečo spoločné - lásku k móde. A keďže ja módu milujem tiež, tento projekt som si nenechala ujsť! Vychutnajte si nasledujúci článok, inšpirujte sa modelmi návrhárov, ktorí ma z tohto projektu najviac inšpirovali a preneste sa do módneho sveta, v ktorom hranice skrátka neexistujú...
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Promo & Events
Chanel. This word evocates to me an elegance, gentility and charm. And mostly,
a story of famous Coco, who did not wish for the fame, but for the woman´s
freedom. She established new rules and showed the simple, pure woman´s beauty
to the world. Karl Lagerfeld decided
to continue in these steps. A man, who got me except for his own French
style also because of his irreplaceable sense of feeling. I love the way
how he can preserve the tradition of the brand and simultaneously interconnect
it with its modern evolution!
Chanel. Toto slovo vo mne evokuje eleganciu, vznešenosť a šarm. A hlavne príbeh slávnej Coco, ktorá netúžila po sláve ale po ženskej slobode. Zaviedla nové pravidlá a svetu tak ukázala jednoduchú, čistú ženskú krásu. V týchto šľapajách sa rozhodol pokračovať Karl Lagerfeld - muž, ktorý si ma okrem svojho francúzskeho štýlu dostal aj pre svoj nenahraditeľný zmysel pre cit. Milujem ako dokáže zachovávať tradíciu tejto značky a zároveň ju prepájať s jej moderným vývojom!
Craftsmen days ÚĽUV 2015
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Promo & Events
A man should never forget where he comes from.
Even though I love Canadian nature, Italian fashion, French language,
Asian food and British accent, I am very proud of being a Slovak.
Thanks to the event named Craftsmen days ÚĽUV 2015 I had realized, how many skilled craftsmen
and how much national wealth our small Slovakia hides!
Therefore, today´s article is for all the people, who support our originality and
respect for our history with their talent and golden hands.
Človek by nikdy nemal zabúdať na to, odkiaľ pochádza. Hoci milujem kanadskú prírodu, taliansku módu, francúzsky jazyk, ázijské jedlo a britský prízvuk, som hrdá na to, že som Slovenkou. Vďaka udalosti s názvom Dni majstrov ÚĽUV 2015 som si uvedomila, koľko šikovných remeselníkov a koľko národného bohatstva v sebe naše malé Slovensko ukrýva!
Dnešný článok je preto venovaný všetkým ľuďom, ktorý svojim talentom a zlatými rukami prispievajú k tomu, aby sme si zachovali svoju originalitu a uctievali si našu históriu.
The autumn shopping in Lindex
Thursday, 1 October 2015
Promo & Events
A few days ago I officially welcomed an autumn – how
else than with shopping. I fell in love with Lindex autumn collection. Karlie Kloss, who is really great for
this position, is a face of this collection. She took it with fun and
sex-appeal. On 29.9.2015 in OC Polus I really enjoyed this
shopping thanks to the Emma magazine
and its 20% off all collection. Very
nice women with a champagne were waiting for me at the entrance and
I enjoyed it to the last sip along with the collection. Refined cuts, cozy
sweaters, trendy skirts, great turtleneck and especially warm colours and
quality material assured me, that the autumn welcoming with Lindex was
a good choice!
On the ship
Thursday, 17 September 2015
I really love this fresh air. And traveling, of course, too. But what I love the most is writing novels. No wonder me and my husband Jacques Futrelle became famous authors this genre. Jacques actually signed a contract about publishing his novel named "Thinking Machine". I am very proud of him. I, Lily May Peel, married a good man.
Like in a fairytale
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Hear woman´s laugh from our pink lounge,
jingling of cups and a pervasive smell of herbal tea is spreading through the entire hallway.
The doors are half open, so you can see beautiful women, charmingly
sitting in their rich robes. But I keep walking,
holding my long dress from the finest material. My necklace of colorful gems
cools my neck and a few of naughty curls are falling down to my face. As
I am walking in my satin pumps with buckle across the hallway, which is full of family
portraits, lighted candles on gold stands and brocade wall hangings,
I take a breath of the familiar „historical smell“. Parquet floor is creaking. I go around my room, where my maids are humping
the pillows and are opening a window to the
garden. I am also passing our library
full of books and the golden altar, on which we tend to pray. I am looking
around decorated ceilings with historical and
religious themes and this view is everytime so fascinating for me. I am
going outside to the garden, where except for beautiful flowerbeds I am
being welcomed also by peacocks, bathing in the
fountain. And here, on the courtyard, my luxury carriage is waiting for me, so
I am going to sit there with the assistance of a coachman. By the
sound of galloping horses I am watching as I slowly lose our headquarters.
Because fall does not mean a failure
Monday, 10 August 2015
Not everything is always as we want.We experience situations, when we want to hide ourselves under the bed and do not go out. We experience falls, that are sometimes hard to recover and believe, that we can move on. We experience a stupidity and primitiveness of people, who are trying to hurt us. We experience the words, which hurt more than a slap. We experience a doubt, if we can do that. But that is all right, because without barriers we would never come to the finish. We are becoming stronger and more determined to continue in our way. I have chosen some parts of my favourite movies and Tv show, which will show you , that a fall does not mean a shame, but a chance to shine!
Back in the time - an amazing picnic
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Promo & Events
Before our trip to Canada we had decided to spent one Saturday´s afternoon a little bit unusually. It was a pleasure to accept the invitation from Borka Haranzová ( KVH Zolium), who created an event named Picnic pastime with a team of great people. I met Borka at awesome lecture, about which you were able to read in the past here.
Even in this extraordinary day, that magic atmosphere, which can be only achieved by them, was not missing. We had a feeling, that we went back to the times of the 2nd World War, sinful Pin-Up and different lifestyle. Excepting instructive lectures by Mariana Džubáková and Martin Baran about women and men in the army, thanks to Marek Tuneg for having an opportunity to shoot an army gun, or look for mines.I had changed into a real Pin - Up because of skilled Dasha Marlen and another ladies, or just relax on a blanket, listen to the vintage music and enjoy tasty meal. Next photos and video will prove you, that we were pretty much enyoing this day and we are very happy to support these people, who although live in the present, do not forget the past.
Dior and I
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Do you know that feeling, when a movie impress you so much, that you absolutely stop perceive everything around and you rapidly absorb every shot and every single word? Few days ago I had exactly this feeling during a movie Dior and I. As the title says, that it is a movie full of fashion, beautiful cuts, different patterns, perfect style of Mr. Dior and of course - experiences and hard work. It is all processed into a documentary, which talks about how a new member of Dior´s team Raf Simons in the function of a creative director can handle it and show his talent through a fashion show, which takes place in eight weeks. He has exactly eight weeks for showing what he is made of, to prove that he deserves his position and to express the respect for this brand in his own way.
Summer vibes
Monday, 15 June 2015
Summer is my the most favourite season. A light dress, bare feet, hair tied back and fresh summer air. And, of course - holidays! Whenever you spend them, in this season I feel the most comfortable right near the water. And this is the reason, why I have decided to devote todays article to a swimsuit, without which I absolutely can´t imagine the summer. I love their diversity and color. This season my attraction was caught by a collection of brand named Calzedonia, in which you can admire not only beautiful models, but also beautiful swimsuit. Can you choose the best one? I have a big problem with that...
Žena mnohých tvárí
Monday, 25 May 2015
Byť ženou je občas zvláštne. Nekonečné státie pred otvorenou skriňou,nekonečné riešenie zbytočných otázok, nekonečne hrejivý pocit po dobrých nákupoch, nekonečné skrátka všetko. Občas sa nedokážeme zastaviť a uvoľniť. Nedokážeme sa na prechádzku do mesta s priateľmi nachystať tak úplne jednoducho - bez trojhodinového stepovania pred zrkadlom či bez zhodenia bomby do nášho šatníka. Nedokážeme sa cítiť dostatočne príjemne vo vlastnom tele a tak hľadáme prostriedky, ako sa vylepšiť a viac sa tak páčiť iným ( a hlavne sebe). Všimla som si, že občas až príliš riešime veci, ktoré sú v konečnom dôsledku nepodstatné. Samozrejme, je dôležité aby sa žena o seba starala, ale je taktiež dôležité, aby si uvedomila, že aj keď dokáže byť ženou mnohých tvárí, stále je to ona - tá, ktorá je výnimočná a je len jedna.
An amazing trip to Prague
Monday, 11 May 2015
When some tourists ask me, what they should see in Bratislava for sure, I jib. That is a good question. What does actually Bratislava offer? Yes, there is my favourite Hviezdoslav´s square with possibility of relax on the bench under the trees, nice walk along to the Danube river or great scenery from Koliba but... speaking about history, there is not that much for a tourist to find here. But Prague, that is a different cup of coffee.
Women and culture during the Second World War
Monday, 4 May 2015
Promo & Events
It´s a great fact that everyday we discover something new. New medications for ill people. New technologies, so we can educate more. New informations about nature, science, our possibilities,... Everything can be new, and at the same time, everything can be discovered.
Yes, it´s true that in our life is everything possible. Do you want to travel around the world? You can! Do you want to understand people from different countries? You can! Do you want to be independent and not to be only a housewife but also a really good bussinesswoman? You can!
Sometimes I ask to myself, if is good that we can have EVERYTHING what we want. We can do everything. There are no limits. It is called a democracy, but I gotta feeling its changing into an anarchy.
Fiesta del Baile = magic night
Friday, 24 April 2015
Promo & Events
The woman who speaks without words
Thursday, 16 April 2015
Just imagine how many people live on our planet. Different habits, culture and minds. Sometimes you can´t really understand how they can be happy only with coconut tree, big wawes and warm beach. Without today´s materialism. But it can work. What I have learnt is, that everything is about people. Not about things...
My post about fashion show La Pasarela on!
Thursday, 2 April 2015
My publications
This is it. I am so excited and proud. Here you have the fact that doing what you love has a sense. This is my first official post written for another website. I am also happy that I can be a part of a great Slovak-Mexican fashion show named La Pasarela . If you are fashion lover, love creating original outfits or love getting new inspirations, this event is special for you!
I know that I´m not the only one
Monday, 23 March 2015
Young woman, who has the most important thing in her life - the time. Young woman, who can make various decisions and who can still dream about everything. Young woman, who can fail and sometimes think naive, because she is that kind of YOUNG woman. It seems so easy. So understanably. But exactly this young woman can feel so empty. So naked. So lost.
But it´s okay. Because I know that I´m not the only one...
Wear your own fashion cartoon!
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
When I am going back to my childhood, my first memory of it is spending time with my fav cartoons and dreaming about my owns. Do you remember three cute characters from The powerpuff girls? Or a flegmatic woman named Daria? As I grow up, something from my childhood is still in myself - I am absolutely in love with any cartoons, illustrations,sketches, fairytales, animated movies, etc. When I am looking at that character, I can express so many feelings, thoughts, ideas and feel their own stories. Immediately you have such a strong feeling that you can be a part of their world, although it just takes a place in your head.
L♥ve is...
Saturday, 14 February 2015
My publications
14. februára netreba nikomu nejako extra predstavovať. Je sviatok zaľúbených, kedy by ste mali svoje polovičky zobrať na peknú večeru, ukázať jej ako ju milujete za pomoci krásnych kvetov alebo kúpiť jej darček, o ktorom bude ešte mesiac hovoriť svojim kamarátkam.
Každá snaha sa cení a ja si veľmi vážim všetkého, čo pre mňa ten "môj muž" robí. Avšak on dobre vie, že na materiálne veci si nepotrpím. Jasné, ako každá žena aj ja sa poteším krásnemu oblečeniu , parfumu či šperku, ale uvedomujem si, že mám doma veľké šťastie pretože moja polovička mi dokáže vyjadriť svoje city bez toho, aby otvoril svoju peňaženku. Otvára mi srdce a presne o tomto láska má byť !
Myslím si, že svoju polovičku by ste mali zahŕňať svojou láskou každý deň, nielen na nejaký sviatok, ktorý je hlavne sviatkom biznisu. Aj keď musím uznať , že tento gýč sa mi do istej miery páči. Zavrhnite materiálne dôkazy zaľúbenosti do úzadia a otvorte sa spoločným zážitkom. Spomienkam. Rozhodnutiam. Opore. Spoločnému smiechu. Priznaniu si vlastných chýb. Skúste spoznávať svet toho druhého. A nebojte sa otvoriť mu dvere do toho svojho.
Každá snaha sa cení a ja si veľmi vážim všetkého, čo pre mňa ten "môj muž" robí. Avšak on dobre vie, že na materiálne veci si nepotrpím. Jasné, ako každá žena aj ja sa poteším krásnemu oblečeniu , parfumu či šperku, ale uvedomujem si, že mám doma veľké šťastie pretože moja polovička mi dokáže vyjadriť svoje city bez toho, aby otvoril svoju peňaženku. Otvára mi srdce a presne o tomto láska má byť !
Myslím si, že svoju polovičku by ste mali zahŕňať svojou láskou každý deň, nielen na nejaký sviatok, ktorý je hlavne sviatkom biznisu. Aj keď musím uznať , že tento gýč sa mi do istej miery páči. Zavrhnite materiálne dôkazy zaľúbenosti do úzadia a otvorte sa spoločným zážitkom. Spomienkam. Rozhodnutiam. Opore. Spoločnému smiechu. Priznaniu si vlastných chýb. Skúste spoznávať svet toho druhého. A nebojte sa otvoriť mu dvere do toho svojho.
Ďen otvorených dverí tanečnej skupiny Bailadora!
Monday, 2 February 2015
Promo & Events
The secret to getting AHEAD is getting STARTED - Bailadora WINTER TRAINING CAMP 2015
Thursday, 29 January 2015
Promo & Events
Tanec. Je fantastické, koľko rôznych podôb nadobúda. Pri tanci dostáva človek slobodu. Má možnosť vyjadriť svoje myšlienky, aktuálnu náladu, postoj, samého seba. Neviem ako vy ale ja milujem spoločnosť ľudí. A práve tanec ľudí spája. Vďaka nemu dokážete objaviť nielen samého seba ale aj svoje spriaznené duše a kamarátstva na celý život.
Avšak tanec aj bolí. Veľakrát úsmev vystriedajú slzy. Hnev. Zúfalstvo. No práve toto je cesta, ktorá vás povedie k tomu, aby ste sa stali silnejšími! Cesta, ktorá vás naučí povedať : Áno, ja to dokážem. Rozhodne na to mám.
Avšak tanec aj bolí. Veľakrát úsmev vystriedajú slzy. Hnev. Zúfalstvo. No práve toto je cesta, ktorá vás povedie k tomu, aby ste sa stali silnejšími! Cesta, ktorá vás naučí povedať : Áno, ja to dokážem. Rozhodne na to mám.
New YSL campaign 2015
Friday, 23 January 2015
Keď som sa nedávno dočítala o novej kolekcii kozmetickej rady YSL , zostala som unesená. Úžasný , elegantný a ženský vzhľad obohatený o kvalitné a trendové produkty v podaní očných tieňov, lakov na nechty či leskov na pery vás isto nenechajú chladnými!
Farby ako ružová, béžová, zlatisto hnedá a matná čierna spájajú prvky jemnosti a temnosti zároveň. Výsledkom je perfektná kombinácia elegantnej mladej ženy, ktorá je jemná, sexy a má štýl.
Nová kampaň sa nesie v duchu : Paríž. Haussmannský byt. " Cinq a sept", čas milencov.
Tvárou sa stala úchvatná Cara Delevigne, ktorá sa bravúrne zhostila úlohy bohémskej Parížanky!
Farby ako ružová, béžová, zlatisto hnedá a matná čierna spájajú prvky jemnosti a temnosti zároveň. Výsledkom je perfektná kombinácia elegantnej mladej ženy, ktorá je jemná, sexy a má štýl.
Nová kampaň sa nesie v duchu : Paríž. Haussmannský byt. " Cinq a sept", čas milencov.
Tvárou sa stala úchvatná Cara Delevigne, ktorá sa bravúrne zhostila úlohy bohémskej Parížanky!
Egyptian magic
Saturday, 17 January 2015
Hovorí sa, že čas plynie neuveriteľnou rýchlosťou. Roky ubiehajú a človek si často uvedomí, čo všetko nestihol, resp. čo všetko ešte stihnúť chce. Okrem plánovania platenia účtov načas, sily nestratiť nervy v ranných zápchach či snahe stravovať sa relatívne zdravo aj napriek záplave fastfoodov, chce človek predovšetkým objavovať, získavať poznatky, zážitky, nadobudnúť presvedčenie, že niečo dokázal, resp. zoznámiť sa s úspechmi iných. Hoci aj o niekoľko storočí neskôr.
Nailed it !
Friday, 9 January 2015
Módne. Luxusné. Elegantné. Infantilné. Smiešne. Mierne gýčové. Úprava nechtov môže mať milión spôsobov. Je len na vás, na aké sa práve cítite. Manikúra ozaj dokáže byť pestrá, zábavná a veľmi zaujímavá, o čom vás presvedčím v dnešnom článku. Za veľmi dôležité okrem skvelej kabelky, dobre padnutého oblečenia či bezchybného make-upu pokladám práve úpravu nechtov. Fantázii sa medze nekladú a tak na svojich nechtíkoch môžte nosiť postavičky z obľúbeného seriálu, užívať si leto nielen teplým počasím ale aj tropickou manikúrou, či prechádzať sa po uliciach New Yorku s nechtami žltými ako ich povestné taxíky. Milujem nail art a veľmi obdivujem ľudí, ktorí svoje nechty vedia nosiť! So štýlom, dávkou humoru a bez hanby.
Because every woman is part of VS angel
Sunday, 4 January 2015
Poznáte ten pocit , keď na módnu prehliadku pozeráte so zatajeným dychom? Akosi zabudnete dýchať, hltáte každý jeden model, žasnete čím všetkým vás jej tvorcovia dokážu prekvapiť/ ohúriť/ spôsobiť šok .Okamžite sa zamilujete do každého najmenšieho detailu, spievate si hudobný podmaz a tešíte sa na každú ďalšiu fashion show v ich podaní, pretože vždy je iná, jedinečná a nikdy nesklame...
Victoria´s Secret Fashion Show. Nenormálna spodná bielizeň, úžasné efekty, krásne modelky, ohurujúce doplnky, vynikajúci hudobný sprievod, čarovná atmosféra. Oslava ženy a jej krásy. Presne nejako takto na mňa zakaždým pôsobí moja najobľúbenejšia módna udalosť roka. Pretože táto jediná je o každej z nás. A hoci si niektoré s kilom navyše posmešne povedia , že sa mýlim, vyvediem vás z omylu!
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